

Boxed Bit Worms

3d snakes trying to get out of the prison cube. This may cook your CPU. The algorithm in bitworms was the basis for this: http://codepen.io/raurir/pen/Cviyl Just added a dimension.

Random Normal

I call this Random Normal as it effectively generates randomized unit vectors uniformly distributed. Instead of using x = random(2)-1, y = random(2)-1, z = random(2)-1 then normalized.. which is rather poor in many reasons. We compute the euler angles for theta and phi. It works on a nice property of arc-cos which is a uniform distribution of the 'y' axis just by using -1 to 1. as you can see by the rotating sphere.. no polar bias. lovely.

selection effect

a stroke to the text with text fill color removed on selection


Procedural Animated Gears See the full Fractal Gears experiment: http://brm.io/gears/ More of the source at: https://github.com/liabru/gears-d3-js Uses the awesome d3.js by @mbostock
