

武汉 PRO 求职中


Small sketch, part of a bigger project. Made with SVG and GreenSock(GSAP)

Playing with Matter

Just playing around with matter.js and sprites.

The Birth of a Sine Wave

Animation that creates a sine wave. It has been done many times before, but I had to do my own version.


A tribute to one of the best Sci-Fi movies of all times: "THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL". A test of converting a timeline based animation sequence spanning several elements, into something more manageble than percentage values using SASS. Benefits of this: - Easier to maintain. - Easy to change timing of existing timeline sequences. - Easy to add new timeline sequences between existing sequences. - Better overview in the @keyframes animations.

JS ♥ #9: aqua

One JS demo per day - this is April 9th, 2015. Using [canvas filters](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D/imageSmoothingEnabled) - only working in Firefox at the moment [with flag enabled](https://twitter.com/anatudor/status/586102852642279424).

prettify `` #96

Goal: create a nicely styled cross-browser 1 element slider. Tested & works in Firefox 36, 39 (nightly), Chrome 41, 43 (canary)/ Opera 28, 29 beta, IE 11 on Windows 8. CSS-only in Firefox & IE/ not much JS needed for Chrome/ Opera. Lines don't look too good in Chrome 41/ Opera. Has a couple of nice extras in Chrome/ Opera - the shape of he thumb and the current value displayed on it. This is achieved by using pseudo elements on the thumb. This is something that didn't work until recen